Fetal therapy is a highly specialized field that involves therapeutic intervention such as a procedure or surgery to correct or treat a fetal anomaly or condition.
With advancing research, new treatment methods and surgical techniques are discovered that can offer better outcomes for these fetal conditions.
Improving Survival Rates for babies
Fetal therapy can improve the survival rates for babies suffering from fetal disorders and can prevent the likelihood of unfavorable outcomes, improving the survival rate and enhancing a baby’s overall quality of life.

Manufacturing of Medical Devices specific for Fetal Therapy.
The treatment of different fetal conditions often requires the use of medical devices specific to each condition or situation. Unfortunately, there are very few medical devices approved for fetal therapy.
The Fetal Institute Foundation, in collaboration with other not-for-profit organizations, is committed to developing and making medical devices specific to fetal therapy.
This endeavor promises to catalyze and energize the field by addressing an unmet need in this area of medicine.